Tuesday 9 June 2009

Day 5

Yesterday was a great day. Macy went over a 24 hour period without fits and now its more like 2 days. This is a great sign as it could mean her mind has rerouted itself to cope with whatever problems it’s had. But these are still all possibilities and not definites. As a result they are letting her brain drugs work there way out of her system and she’ll start to come around a bit more. She ripped her own IV out (good girl!) and they left it out and upped her milk levels..over yesterday she went from 18ml to 32ml every 2 hours which is up to her full quota for her age/size…which is amazing and she’s keeping it all down and blood sugars are fine so she’s digesting it too. Later yesterday they took her brain monitor off which was a bit scarey as it is best indication of whether she’s fitting but her breathing alarm would still go off if she fitted so I’m more relaxed about that.

Then at 8pm I went to see her and she had been moved out of the incubator into a cot (still in intensive care) I cried, it was so amazing to see her out. I was ready to drop from exhaustion and the nurse asked if I wanted to hold her till 845pm..couldn’t resist but could hardly stay awake.

We put her in clothes yesterday which was wonderful and although this sounds ridiculous we’ve been able to change her nappies and that been so wonderful too (won’t be saying that for long!!) my poor sense of smell helps in that department..too much information!!

It’s possible she may go into a new room today ‘special care’ which is a slightly less intensive room within intensive care.

So more observation and heading towards MRI scan Thursday which may show up any problems. We might not get the results of that for up to 6/7 days after the scan but it doesn’t seem to matter as her immediate health and contentment is all we need right now.

Jen is doing really well considering. She so so exhausted but managing. It’s very hard to keep moving between her ward and the NICU unit..yesterday it seemed like we hardly had a moment, everything seems to be rushed for her and she wants to slow down and enjoy Macy. I hope to help her to manage that today.

I’m doing really well, I’m exhausted but coping amazingly well. Just to have Macy in a good place with no more setbacks is fueling my engines..but if anyone wants to bring me a steak sandwich I’m sure the engines will run even smoother!!!! (that’s a joke)

Prayer requests: (for those of you who this counts for)

Macy continues to progress with no setbacks
Jen remain strong and doesn’t get sick (little cough coming at mo)
That Jen can keep up with Macy’s milk needs (she’s overtaken jen at mo)
We both find time to rest and enjoy time together with Macy
That we sleep deeper and longer without waking so much
For family, especially Jen’s parents who leave for home today utterly exhausted
For my parents as they step in today

Thank you guys for all your prayers, calls, texts and love its kept us going. Jen is still to low on reserves to see visitors..its a hard thing for her as she desperately wants to see people but doesn’t have the energy to. But things will change as she gets more sleep and rest and I’ll keep you posted when the time comes.

By for now, God bless

Dave, Jen & Macy the Cheesegirl xxx

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