Tuesday 9 June 2009

Day 3

Macy's had a rough day today been upgraded to proper intensive care…funny how everyone strives for an upgrade normally but this is the last one you ever want…but saying that she couldn’t be in better human hands.

For those who haven’t heard Macy was born 3/6/09 at 22:22pm, 7lb and by emergency caesarean after long labour, due to stress.

She was fine for first 5 hours then she struggled to breath properly and as a result was taken to high dependency unit. She did really well and it was looking like she might come back to Jen, then this morning she suffered two fits which can be very serious for a babe. It showed some sort of brain problem. Over the day she did great responding well to medication but then had two more minor fits at 3 and one at 9. The latter fits were not physical, ie you couldn’t see them happening, but they were picked up on the monitor.

She’s had an ultrasound scan of her brain and nothing was apparent so now they’ll see how she responds to different levels of drugs. She has had so many tests its incredible, poor little thing is like a pin cushion but she’s heavily sedated so not in any pain. She actually looks very calm which has been very reassuring.

We have had the opportunity to hold her and Jen’s fed her in the first two days. I had some amazing times rocking her in the early hours of 3/6/09..getting her to drift off in my arms for half hour. Smitten father.

So she’s booked in for a MRI scan next Thursday which give the NICU unit time to do lots of other complicated stuff to figure out whats happening.

It’s a scarey time of deep crushing lows and long periods of calm..I can’t tell you how incredible it has been to have so much love from you all and as a Christian I am bowled over by God’s grace and love for us, that may be hard to understand for those of you who aren’t Christian…I’ll explain myself to you sometime.

I’ll try to keep you updated, appreciate you texts and calls and especially your prayers.

Jen is doing so well she’s had almost 3 days with no sleep bar the odd snatched half hour having had major surgery and she has kept smiling and positive..she’s my hero!! So we take it one day at a time and know whatever our girl is a beauty.

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