Tuesday 9 June 2009

Day 6 - the latest

Got some breaking news...Macy has made it out of intensive care and into what they call the 'transition ward' it's huge answer to prayer as this ward is a halfway house. It's not in intensive care but it's a proper mother and baby ward, where they can be together, but with intensive care stylee support around them.

This ward has strict criteria to get into, macy fitted all bar she wasn't a prem babe so they said no even when the consultant pleaded with them..however after sending out texts asking to people to pray about this..we walked back into NICU and they said 'they've changed their minds and given you a bed'.

When i left Jen tonight she was in a single room with Macy...not even a shared room. It's amazing. Jen was obviously very apprehensive. We've had the luxury of having 24hr monitoring by the best, with super gizmo machines, and within 24 hrs Jen's in a room with her with no moniotrs at all.

Things happen so fast with babies its incredible.

We're just praising God for His kindness and for all of you who are supporting us with kindness and prayers.

I'm loving every second with her. can't wait to throw the biggest party at our place to introduce you all to her.


Dave exhausted but jubilent daddy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave

    I'm Haze & Brad's brother-in-law, and we've been praying our socks off up here in Manchester. Seeing that photo of Macy with her mum's hand so close drew me (via the search facility on biblegateway.com, not through my own memory!) to these verses in Psalm 73

    23 Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

    Praying you'll continue to know you're all in safe hands, and that you'll get decent rest over the next few days.



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