Wednesday 10 June 2009

Day 7 - we're in heaven!

Macy Day 7:

Macy 1 week today…hooray!

Jen survived her first night in the ward with Macy…few normal-ish experiences of being up half the night with a crying baby but other than that they did well. Jen eventually fell asleep with her cuddled up in bed for 3 hours.

Today we’ve been getting used to being in charge, which is quite bizarre after being told what to do the whole time.

Macy had two hearing tests the normal one to check the physical part of her ear was working, which it was. Then a NICU baby ear test, which checks to see if the auditory nerve is picking up sounds passing it to the brain and the brain then responding. It involved her wearing a funky pair of headphones…cool kid (see pic).

She had a hug with Grammy (USA gran name) & Granpa Cheese today which she loved.

Tomorrows a big day for her as she’ll go for an MRI scan at 9am. She need to go back to intensive for this and be sedated as she has to be still. They’ll then monitor her through to when she wakes to make sure her breathing is ok.

We might hear preliminary result tomorrow but won’t get the full report back from the neurologist until the Thursday after.

If you’d like to pray:

She has no problems whilst sedated
That the scan gives her an all clear for brain damage

Thanks for all your ongoing’re super stars. Amazing some people in England found out about Macy from friends in she’s travelling round the world…v young backpacker!!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I had a momentary panic when the title of this post appeared in my RSS feed!

    It's fantastic to hear that things are improving... keep up the blogging.


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