Saturday 13 June 2009

Macy Day 9

Macy Day 9: ‘Thunderbirds are go’

Well what a night…the incredibly lovely staff on Jen’s ward let me stay in Jen’s room for the night to support her. We slept as a family for the first time…well when I say slept I mean we got to hang out as Macy decided to turn into a milk guzzling nocturnal fluffy owl, with huge eyes peeping up at me for most of the night. At one point she sucked my little finger from 3-4am. I was sat in the parents room away from Jen, after a while I realised that I had been alternating reading to her from the Psalms and the sun newspaper..I think she’s more of a Guardian girl like her daddy!

At 9am she was whisked off for her CT scan in a blue pod (see pic) it looked like a thunderbirds capsule and the Dr, nurse & portor were bemused as I held up the proceedings to try and get the right angle and light!

Granpa & Grammy Cheese arrived to say hello and Granpa taught her some really useful skills. How to change gear, she seemed particularly good at getting into reverse gripping his finger as her gear stick.

The Dr came in to update us and said the CT scan, which builds a 3D image of her skull had shown up a probable fracture near her brain bleed, as expected. Also they were fairly satisfied that the bleed hadn’t changed size.

We then got the news that Macy is going home Saturday (today) which was incredibly exciting and very daunting. They then spent time with us teaching us CPR and going over what we had to look out for and if she did deteriorate where we should go to. This really shook me up. I guess you keep seeing all the positives and then when they point out the possible setbacks it brings it home to you that she’s doing so well but is still in a very vulnerable and potentially serious place. It feels scarey going home but at the same time we keep falling back on all the God has spoken to us about her, even her future & we hold onto that as our hope & strength.

Brad & Haze popped in to give her some cuddles and Brad, Barney, Isaac & I played ball outside.

So we settled down for another night feeling that we had to cope entirely without help to give us the confidence that we could do it at home. This really isn’t any different to what everyone goes through with first time babies, but I guess we’re just a degree more paranoid. Anyway the night was really good. Macy fed well and fairly regularly, I did the nappies and a little consoling and when that didn’t work she went to Jen. We actually got a reasonable amount of sleep 30 or 40 mins…only kidding, at least 42 mins.. actually 4 or 5 hours inbetween feeds. Can’t believe I of all people and saying this, but that actually felt good!!!

Huge thanks for your ongoing love and prayers. The next blog post will be written at home!

Prayer points:

The brain bleed can attract fluid and cause an oedema which would put pressure on the brain, lets pray this doesn’t happen and the bleed is steadily even miraculously absorbed back into the brain
We make the transition back to home without specialist care with confidence and are able to relax and enjoy the first semblances of normal family life
That Macy will find her routine and allow Jen & I to regain a little sleep

Lots of love

Dave, Jen & Macy moo (Si & Lizy’s nickname)

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