Friday 3 July 2009

My week 4: Macy Cheesegirl

So I can’t understand why they’ve turned up the heat…sure it was hot inside the mummy and NICU had the radiators up far too high, but what’s going on now, how’s a girl supposed to sleep in this weather?

Mummy and daddy say its good training for when they take me to Africa but I can’t get used to it.

Anyway. This week I went back to the hospital I got lots of ou’s and ah’s as daddy carried me through the hospital in a sling, I’m not sure why they think he’s so special, he’s just a daddy. My checks were all fine, although they kept us waiting, but I don’t mind I just slept. I’ll go back for one more set of checks next Tuesday then I won’t go back until the 22nd of July when I see my consultant from NICU.

My Granny and Grandad arrived this week to hang out with me, whilst daddy went back to work. Granny’s been singing me lots of songs & Grandad has been busy gardening and helping dad paint the garage floor.

Daddy thought it would be ok to try to work whilst he held me (see the pic above) but I soon put pay to that, I’m looking for total attention, thanks you very much!

See you soon, drop me a line if you feel like it.

Macy x
PS i've learnt to suck my thumb, it's tasty!

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