Friday 4 December 2009

Hi all, I know I know i've been a bit slack on the blog recently.

Got loads to tell you.

Most importantly according to mum and dad my last MRI scan was really good. The bleed on my brain or 'Brian' as i just spelt it, has gone! On top of that the brain damage on the otherside has gone and disappeared, it's amazing..apparently!

Anyway got mum and dad smiling which was good. My neuro guy said he'd like to rescan me when i'm 2.5yrs old which seems like eternity to me. He says that sometimes the damage can show back up when the myelin sheath grows around the nerves in the brian (all sounds like goobledeegook to me)..

Anyhow I'm feeling great, can't shake off my first cold and coughing like a small horse but otherwise nothing to complain about...well ish...

Mum keeps jamming weird coloured damp sticks of things in my hands and i plain don't like it, yes yes i grant you I do like to put most things in my mouth but what's with the damp wet slightly sgidgey things. One was like a miniature tree, nope didn't like that and their was a orange sticky thing and also a weird looking whitey yellow curved stick..nope..I'm not having it. However, mum has given me some tasty polstyrene type em..not damp and tastless, just how things should be!!

As you can see from the picture above, i've taken up moutaineering, i love pouring over maps and deciding which route to pick off next...keep up parents!!!

ps isn't sitting tricky, i keep slumping off to one side, hey ho off for a wel deserved nap


Macy moo x

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