Saturday 30 January 2010

Hi guys, I've decided to grow a beard like my it?

Well doesn't time fly, I had a great Christmas which seemed to evolve around people giving me things covered in then trying to eat the paper (as you do) and then people taking the paper back away. Sort of weird really but fun.

When I wasn't getting paper things food just kept arriving and I was introduced to sprouts, dad'd love for me to say i loved them..but honestly they aren't anything i want again to soon..but you never know i might grow up to like them like he does...hope seems to make him so happy when people like them, funny man.

I'm now just a few days shy of 8 months and all seems well, I'm sitting by myself now and can almost sit up from lying down. I still feel like a stranded porpoise when left lying on my tummy, just can't get the hang of this moving about thing and there's so many interesting things i'd like to go and stick my little nose into...very soon I'm going to cause a bit of havoc!!!

Well signing you all

Macy Moo xx