Thursday 3 September 2009

MRI scan - 13 weeks old

Today I had my second MRI scan. Apparently I can’t lie still so they put this funny smelling mask on me and I got very sleepy. An hour later I woke up feeling really weird so I cried a bit and had a very deep husky voice for a while. Wish I could have sung a few tunes, like Macy Gray, it would’ve sounded really good but I haven’t learnt to talk yet…drat!

After an hour I forgot anything had happened so I just decided to start beaming at mummy and daddy again.

Apparently the Prof will let me know in a few weeks how my bleed and brain damage are doing…I don’t know what all the fuss is about I’m happy as larry, whoever that is.

Holidays and festivals

I’ve now been to the beach in North Devon, Cornwall and Pembrokeshire .. I’m a well travelled sandy baby. I’ve braved the English summer under canvas and from inside a youth hostel looking out at the sheets of rain. I wonder if mum and dad’ll take me somewhere where I can get out of my sleeping bag next summer!

My first festival was really amazing. I couldn’t stop looking around at all the crazy looking people and the music was lovely. I fell asleep to Roeksop and woke up for Athlete, especially when they sang ‘wires’ which makes mum and dad cry and hug me lots. I camped and aren’t some babies noisy, woke me up in the night and I’d only just got to sleep after Uncle Nath came back at 2am! My best moment was hanging out in the Tiny Tea tent which had lots of bright coloured cloth and sparkley mirrors, not too mention Chai tea which smelt great.

Week 9 - Important appointments

In short, because I’m not a tall person..yet, I had two appointments in early August with a consultant from NICU and a brain surgeon. Yes I’m very important. They were very nice and said I was doing splendidly but they’d like a look in my head to see how things are. so I'll have a brain scan in Sept.